Saturday, March 10, 2007

Reflection#7 (New task the Myths stage)

This week our teacher give us 4 weeks to plan and finished a Myths stage. I think that you will wonder for sure what is the myths stage I am taking about so let's carefully read the bottom paragraph.

My teacher told that you need to go back home and plan to make a stage out of a shoe box and it have to be about myths. Now this is what I planned, First what story and part what I want to do. I choose the adventure of Ulysses and the part that I choose is Circe. I choose this part because I tell that, even he have a wife already but after 10 years of battling at troy, he had a new wife or the second wife. The background will be half pink + half red. Pink will tell the love between Ulysses and Circe and red is for the power, power of getting back home to Ithaca and be the king. I try to tell the feeling weither you want Ulysses get back to Ithaca or stay with Circe.
PS: If you have any idea what the stage of Ulysses + Circe should look like, please comment. Thanks!

1 comment:

Molange said...

I'm not sure what the stage should like - I really need to read the book!

Miss Ange